Hi, my name is Defne. I am an Early Stage Researcher within the HEAR-ECO project, and a PhD student at the Scottish Section of the Hearing Sciences group within the School of Medicine of the University of Nottingham, located in Glasgow Royal Infirmary.
My background is in Psychology, with a specialization in cognitive psychology (BSc, University of Groningen), and Cognitive Neuropsychology (MSc, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).
In the HEAR-ECO project, I will assess the influence of motivation and fatigue on the pupillometry measures of listening effort. Motivation and fatigue will be manipulated by varying stimulus complexity, reward, and feedback in communication settings. I will also examine the interaction between the effects of motivation, fatigue, and hearing aid settings on listening effort (measured by pupillometry and possibly by EEG indices). My main supervisor in this project is Dr. Graham Naylor. I will also collaborate with Dr. Michael Richter from the Liverpool John Moores University.